Facing Your Fear of Making New Friends

From the Set Facing Your Fears

Does the idea of meeting new people make you nervous? Do you worry you won't know what to say to someone you've just met? You're not alone. In this Pebble Emerge book, explore the reasons why making new friends can be scary and discover simple tips for facing this fear. Reassuring facts and helpful photos provide the knowledge young readers need to face their fear of making new friends.

Format List Price Your Price Qty
$29.99 $22.49
Interest Level Kindergarten - Grade 3
Reading Level Grade 1
Dewey Number 155.4
Lexile 490L
ATOS Reading Level
Guided Reading Level M
Language English
Publisher Capstone
Format Reinforced book
ISBN 9780756570859
Copyright 2023
Number of Pages 24
Dimensions 8 x 8
Graphics Full-color photographs

SLJ Review of Facing Your Fears

Things that make children’s hearts race with that tinge of heightened anxiety are explained in detail for a younger audience. There is a normalization without any shame for the specific fears addressed and then they are dispelled in a way that does not dismiss children’s feelings. Each fear is gently unpacked with explanations, some scientific illustrations, and photographs to both show and tell what is happening in each situation. While these are unlikely to free children from their feelings totally, addressing fears like darkness and plane rides gives a validation of the feelings that might assuage some anxiety. VERDICT Caregivers would benefit the most from this series as a way to address individual fears and to help develop empathy for others’ fears.

Author: Renee Biermann