Inside King Tut's Tomb

From the Set Top Secret

King Tut was an intriguing figure during his life and still was after his mysterious death. Researchers and archeologists have studied the artifacts left behind, but some questions remain unanswered. Readers will learn the secrets about King Tut, the supposed curse following the discovery of his tomb, and more!

Format List Price Your Price Qty
$29.32 $21.99
Interest Level Grade 3 - Grade 6
Reading Level Grade 4
Dewey Number 932
ATOS Reading Level
Guided Reading Level V
Language English
Publisher Lerner
Format Reinforced book
ISBN 9781728476636
Copyright 2023
Number of Pages 32
Dimensions 7 x 9
Graphics Full-color photographs

CLCD Review of Inside King Tut's Tomb

King Tut’s tomb is possibly one of the most well-known and curiosity-inspiring Egyptian discoveries ever. But, why? What is it about this long-ago person that conveys such a sense of mystery—and danger? Who was he? King Tutankhamun lived thousands of years ago. Crowned king at age nine, he lived barely a decade longer. For hundreds of years, his burial place was considered lost. Then, a worker on a dig site fell down a flight of previously unseen stairs. The king’s tomb was found to contain thousands of ancient items, including jewelry, toys, clothing, and the now-famous sarcophagus containing Tut’s mummified body covered by a solid gold mask. Historians wondered: How did such a young king die? Was he a victim of a deadly disease or a chariot accident? Was he murdered? Mysteries around Tut grew as a series of strange circumstances and deaths befell the archeological team, from a cobra biting a pet canary to a mosquito bite causing blood poisoning, the murder of a visiting prince by his wife to a worker’s house burning down—twice. Was a curse due to uncovering this young king’s body responsible? Or, was it all coincidence? In spite of the questions, work on this incredible archeological find continues. Modern scientific techniques are helping scientists learn as much as possible about this beautiful yet mysterious ancient tomb. Although just a teenager when he died, Tut’s life has created one of the biggest mysteries in history. The author ends with hope and a wish that everyone reading this book will desire to help solve a part of solving King Tut’s life. The brief, 32-page book includes historical photographs, a timeline, and a glossary. This intriguing text may inspire readers’ curiosity about the past and interest in fields of history or archeology. Part of Lerner Book’s Top Secret (Alternator Books) series. Other titles include Inside Area 51, Inside the Titanic, Inside the Bermuda Triangle, Inside Alcatraz, and Inside the London Catacombs. Recommended for libraries serving elementary-age students. Reviewer Rating: 5 —Children’s Literature

SLJ Review of Top Secret

Able readers who enjoy historical mysteries and examining all sides of stories will appreciate this series about unexplainable events. Each slim volume opens with an intriguing introduction before laying out known details of the “top secret” in the subsequent three chapters. Each mystery is well-researched, well-written, and fast-paced. The writing is compact and presented in an intelligent, conversational tone, with no sense that students are being talked down to. Historical background is provided for each topic, and several possible explanations are proposed. Students will relish the tantalizing notion that there are things still unknown about these top secrets. The series is stylishly designed to suggest a conspiracy is afoot: volumes’ pages are designed to resemble file folders or dossiers with tabs. Tucked inside are photos and notes with illustrated paper clips attached to some of them. Maximizing the idea of secretiveness are the words “Top Secret” looking as if they’re “stamped” in red ink appearing randomly at the beginnings of volumes, along with occasional redactions. Many captioned, color and black-and-white photos and illustrations, both contemporary and archival, lend quality support to the series.
Additionally, “Solve It” sidebars, providing information expanding on a volume’s topic, encourage students to do creative critical thinking, problem-solving, and occasional research. Another interesting special feature is a “Declassified” page which adds extra details about the featured mystery. Back matter material includes a timeline, glossary (no pronunciation guides), “Learn More” (a bibliography of books and websites) and an index. VERDICT Solid facts and intriguing content make this a good purchasing choice for school and public libraries.

Author: Isaac Kerry