Fall 2023

What's in a Label?

From the Set Food for Life

Read about the history of food labeling, from the crazy 1800s, when people commonly died of food poisoning, up through the early 1900s, when scammers and fraudsters sold contaminated foods and cheated customers. The government gradually introduced food safety regulations to address each crime and travesty, but the urge to make a quick (or dishonest) buck persists. Now, in modern times, many food companies use deceptive labeling practices and marketing ploys to trick consumers--and this book exposes the worst of them. It's time for health-conscious readers to brush up on the standards for organic foods and see how they compare with foods labeled "Pesticide-Free," "All Natural," "Non-GMO Verified," "Free-range," "Light," and more. Which ones are tested and verified, and which are scams? Learn new tips on how to decipher confusing food labels, nutrient amounts, and ingredient lists. The FDA and the USDA have done a stellar job of improving labels, yet they fall short by allowing toxic food additives and dangerous chemicals into the US food supply. From BPA can linings to GMOs, preservatives, emulsifiers, and artificial flavors and colors, the modern supermarket is a minefield of processed foods that consumers must navigate. This book is the ultimate shopper's guide.

Format List Price Your Price Qty
$37.27 $27.95
Interest Level Grade 7 - Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 7
Dewey Number 641
ATOS Reading Level
Guided Reading Level
Language English
Publisher Mason Crest Publishing
Format Reinforced book
ISBN 9781422248331
Copyright 2024
Number of Pages 96
Dimensions 6.5 x 9
Graphics Full-color photographs

Food for Life - School Library Journal

Gr 9 Up–Diving into the hot topics of food for teens, these titles explore nutrition from farm to digestion and help explain everything along the way. They provide a refreshing look at
evidence-based, reliable information on important ideas like supplements and plant-based diets. Those subjects in focus do a great job of keeping the readers on the track of healthy diets and habits while avoiding the pitfalls of disordered eating and exercise behaviors. While the text is lengthy, the affirmative knowledge broken down in a no-nonsense way paired with scientific diagrams and illustrations help make the content much more accessible.

VERDICT An indispensable selection for high school libraries that addresses topics around dieting and healthy eating in an age-appropriate, healthy way for young adults.