Editorial Review
SLJ Review of Artificial Intelligence: Promise and Peril
This title outlines the topic fromthe birth of the term artificial intelligence(AI) in 1955 to business giants discussingprivacy, usage, and protective measureswith the government in 2023. Eye-catchinggraphics and images introduce readers tomind-blowing points about AI’s technologytimeline spanning 82 years and crucial developments throughout history. Alan Turingbuilt a chess-playing computing machineand a conversing computer and is considered the father of artificial intelligence. Theauthor uses charts to compare concernswith AI and the excitement for the uses ofthis relatively new tool at citizens’ fingertips.Readers’ curiosity will grow as they learnabout coding language, such as Bard, deeplearning, and deepfakes. The book discusseshow AI is already being used in several industries. Medical professionals use equipment and process patient records for moreefficient treatments and diagnosis. Militarydrones contain extraordinary capabilitiesenhancing wartime strategies. Businessesare looking for ways to streamline their production in warehouses, upscale marketingcontent, and provide next-level customerservices, which increases their overall profitability. This book also considers the dilemmas that artists and other individualswhose careers and livelihood are based ontheir original works and intellectual property face. Allen introduces readers to myriadexamples, research, and thoughts to ponderin an easy-to-follow text. VERDICT Middleand high schoolers will be fascinated by thistechnology and intrigued by its present andfuture. Any accomplished nonfiction collection needs this resource.