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Editorial Review

Booklist Review of U.S. Presidents: Myths or Facts?

Cover: U.S. Presidents: Myths or Facts?

These splashy titles do a credible job of highlighting important political and personal aspects of the lives of U.S. presidents. All feature the same breathless delivery, in which statements are thrown out as challenges, followed by informational text that proves each assertion myth or fact. Some topics just consider historical occurrences and phrase them as inquiries; others actually address misconceptions or more trivial tidbits. The selection on Thomas Jefferson confirms that he did double the size of the continental U.S. through the Louisiana Purchase but debunks the myth that he was responsible for introducing- ing ice cream, macaroni and cheese, and French fries to American cuisine. Teddy Roosevelt did indeed start the progressive Bull Moose party, but despite “evidence” in doctored photographs, he never actually rode a bull moose out in the wilderness. John F. Kennedy was a decorated military veteran, but he wasn’t our youngest president (he’s the youngest elected, but Teddy Roosevelt is the youngest who ever served). And while President Grant’s actual first name wasn’t Ulysses, it is true that the Grants had been invited to accompany the Lincolns to the theater the night of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination but begged off. The straightforward text appears on bright primary-color pages filled with such visual elements as archival photos, political cartoons, boxed quotes, and sidebars, all set off by neon fonts and bold borders. All four titles share the same author and end with title-specific timelines, glossaries, and lists of resources. This especially accessible format accommodates both browsers and report writers.

Products Reviewed

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Myths and Facts About Abraham Lincoln NEW
Myths and Facts About George Washington NEW
Myths and Facts About John F. Kennedy NEW
Myths and Facts About Theodore Roosevelt NEW
Myths and Facts About Thomas Jefferson NEW
Myths and Facts About Ulysses S. Grant NEW
U.S. Presidents: Myths or Facts? (6 titles) NEW
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